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작성일 24-09-16 18:12

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작성자Stephany 조회 7회 댓글 0건


The current Women's Association Croquet World Champion (2023) is Debbie Lines of England. On the page facing the title page is a picture of Eglinton Castle with a game of "croquet" in full swing. If an attempt is made to pocket a ball, and the ball hits the pocket, bounces out and lands on the ground, the ball is placed in the pocket and the game continues. Because of this, it is possible for a game to end with only one of the players having shot, which is known as "running the table" or a "denial"; conversely, it's also possible to win a game without taking a shot; such a scenario may occur if the opposing player illegally pockets the 8 ball on any shot other than the break (such as sinking the 8 ball in an uncalled pocket, knocking the 8 ball off the table, sinking the 8 ball when a player is not yet on the black ball, or sinking both the 8 ball and the cue ball off a single shot). If any balls from a player's suit are on the table, the player must hit one of them first on every shot; otherwise a foul is called and the turn ends.

By 1925, the game was popular enough for the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company to introduce purpose-made ball sets with seven red, seven yellow, one black ball, and the cue ball, which allowed spectators to more easily see which suit each ball belonged to. The shooter fails to strike one of their own object balls (or the 8 ball when it is the legal ball) with the cue ball, before other balls are contacted by the cue ball. There are seven solid-colored balls numbered 1 through 7, seven striped balls numbered 9 through 15, an 8 ball, and a cue ball. Once all of a player's (or team's) group of object balls are pocketed, the player attempts to sink the 8 ball. After all balls from the suit have been pocketed, the player's target becomes the 8 for the remainder of the game. That player is assigned the group, or suit, of the pocketed ball - 1 to 7 (solids) or 9 to 15 (stripes) - and the other suit is assigned to the opponent. The table is "open" at the start of the game, meaning that either player may shoot at any ball.


If the 8 ball is pocketed on the break, then the breaker can choose either to re-spot the 8 ball and play from the current position or to re-rack and re-break; but if the cue ball is also pocketed on the break (colloquially referred to as a "scratch") then the opponent is the one who has the choice: either to re-spot the 8 ball and shoot with ball-in-hand behind the head string, accepting the current position, or to re-break or have the breaker re-break. If the breaker fails to make a successful break-usually defined as at least four balls hitting cushions or an object ball being pocketed-then the opponent can opt either to play from the current position or to call for a re-rack and either re-break or have the original breaker repeat the break. On the break shot, no balls are pocketed and fewer than four balls reach the cushions, in which case the incoming player can demand a re-rack and take the break or force the original breaker to re-break, or may take ball-in-hand behind the head string and shoot the balls as they lie. Some examples are coup fouetté ("whip shot"; a type of force follow); massé coulé (a massé shot with follow) and piqué (describes either a massé shot with no english, or a shot in which the cue stick is steeply angled, but not held quite as vertical as it is in full massé).

American-style eight-ball rules are played around the world by professionals and in many amateur leagues. WPA professional competition generally employs regulation tables, while the amateur league championships of various leagues, including BCAPL, VNEA, and APA, use the seven-foot tables in order to fit more of them into the hosting venue. These are used for amateur and professional play. Play alternates in this manner for the remainder of the game. In short, a world-standardized rules game of eight-ball, like a game of nine-ball, is not over until the "money ball" is no longer on the table. The British version of eight-ball, known internationally as either blackball or simply eight-ball, has evolved into a separate game, retaining significant elements of earlier pub versions of the game, with additional influences from English billiards and snooker. Practice English forward and backward spin in addition to right and left spin. Place the wand in your left palm, and close your fingers. This kind of a combination is not available in one place all together and this is what makes Jeddah the entertainment and culture capital of Saudi Arabia. Individual World Championships usually take place every two or three years. The order of the balls should be random, with the exceptions of the 8-ball, which must be placed in the center of the rack (i.e., the middle of the third row), and the two back corner balls, one of which must be a stripe and the other a solid.

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