How does a Tone Tracer Work? > 자유게시판

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How does a Tone Tracer Work?

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작성자 Maxwell 댓글 0건 조회 7회 작성일 24-08-28 08:26


And your car's coolant (aka antifreeze) keeps things from getting too hot or too cold -- running out of any of these fluids can be disastrous. In fact, larger oil rigs often employ more than a hundred workers to keep the platform running. Why not construct a gigantic tower of concrete and steel and mount your oil rig on top? In Malaysia, the Langkawi Sky-Bridge, less than 6 feet (1.8 meters) wide, allows visitors to enjoy a 360-degree view from the top of Mount Mat Cincang. This approach allows oil companies to reach depths of up to 6,000 feet (1,829 meters). It experiences more horizontal motion and a certain degree of vertical motion, but it allows oil companies to drill at depths of up to 7,000 feet (2,134 meters), well over a mile (1.6 kilometers) beneath the waves. Finally, if you absolutely need to drill a hole at a depth of 10,000 feet (3,048 meters), then the spar platform is the oil rig for you. This platform is much like a submersible rig, except it's designed to work in much deeper waters. With Thomas Watson as his research assistant, Bell went to work. Turn the power off before replacing a receptacle or a switch or doing any other work on a circuit.

You can save time by determining which electrical circuits activate which receptacles in your home and then diagramming or printing the information inside the circuit breaker or fuse box. Construction crews typically build the platforms on a nearby coast and then transport them as needed to the drilling site. These platforms can take the form of either floating semisubmersible platforms or drill ships. The Sea Star platform is basically a larger version of the semisubmersible design we talked about in the last section. This platform is essentially a king-sized version of the Sea Star platform, what are electric cables except the tension legs extend from the ocean floor to the platform itself. The legs are just flexible enough to allow side-to-side motion, which helps absorb the stress of waves and wind. However, instead of giant anchors holding it in place, the Sea Star is connected to the ocean floor by tension legs. However, at depths greater than 1,500 feet, the design begins to become more impractical due to material costs. Production costs for these vessels typically run in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Offshore production platforms may be marvels of modern engineering, but none of that valuable petroleum makes its way out of the wells and into refineries without a great deal of human labor. This platform design tackles the challenges of offshore drilling in the most straightforward and industrial way imaginable. On the sedans, a long, flowing curve extended down the roofline all the way to the rear bumper, relieving the stubby 1937 look. We'll even take a look at crumple zones designed to absorb the massive impact of a train collision. Some of these designs do away with the traditional concept of an oil platform altogether, while others elevate some of the designs from the last section to even grander proportions. Engineers have to design equipment that can stand up to the pressure, while also preventing boiling oil from hot, underground depths from cooling to a solid form and rupturing pipes when it emerges into the chilly ocean environment. These long, hollow tubes remain rigid at all times, preventing any up-and-down motion on the platform. Like the jack-up, this platform is limited to shallow waters. This combination of deeper waters and deeper oil wells will pose even greater challenges for oil companies.

But there's a great deal of oil under the world's oceans, and more than a few methods of reaching it. Once the well has been drilled by a surface platform, the automated systems transfer the oil and natural gas to production facilities by either risers or undersea pipelines. The weight of the lower hull simply stabilizes the drilling platform, while massive anchors hold it in place. The production facilities sit atop a large submersible hull on a tower. Low-frequency transformers, such as the ones used for 50-60 Hz mains signals, need large and heavy, slowly saturating cores; while high-frequency transformers operated at tens of kilohertz can be much smaller. Need to fix production facilities to a position above your drilling site? You might need single channel Yagis for VHF. The damage might not be easy to see, but miniscule cracks cause loss of structural rigidity, which means the tire can't perform as designed. This equipment uses satellite information and sensors on the subsea drilling template to keep track of the drilling location. Video cameras help keep track of nearby traffic, but they also read traffic lights and road signs, and help the car avoid obstacles like pedestrians.




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